Crossville Chronicle Editorial - Constituents Bend Congressman's Ear on Immigration, Energy Costs

Date: May 3, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

Constituents bend congressman's ear on immigration, energy costs

By: Mike Moser, Editor
Crossville Chronicle

U.S. Rep. Lincoln Davis held a town meeting in Crossville Friday, one of several across the Fourth Congressional District, in a continuing effort to talk to his constituents, listen to complaints and suggestions and make his staff available to help voters having problems with federal agencies.

He got an ear full.

Cumberland Countians vented their displeasure with illegal immigration, the pirating of corporation profits by CEOs, what is perceived by many as price gouging at the pumps and identity theft.

"I've held hundreds of town hall meetings and have found them to be one of the most effective ways of communicating with constituents," said Davis. "I hope to continue a dialogue on how we keep moving Tennessee forward."

Davis has kept an ambitious schedule holding open meetings throughout the 24-county district as voters talked about issues ranging from immigration, health care, energy independence and fiscal responsibility.

In Crossville the better part of an hour was spent with attendees railing about immigration and one point Davis simply sat down as one speaker continued her vocal displeasure.

Most of the anger of the gathering was aimed at illegal immigration of Hispanics into the country.

Immigration has also taken center state as Congress debates how best to secure the borders and deal with the influx of illegal immigrants. While some national leaders are calling for broad guestworker programs ultimately leading to amnesty, Davis stands in staunch opposition.

Over the last several years there has been a massive surge of border crossings. One proposal Davis supports is the construction of a fence along the southern border. "If you want to be an American citizen, you must do so in a way that conforms to existing American law," said Davis. "Those who come here legally and are interested in becoming citizens should be required to take steps to learn English.

"I voted for the House bill. You need to get on the phone and talk to Alexander and Frist. I have done my part," Davis said.

In a press release issued based on prior town hall meetings, Davis said he believes access to quality, affordable health care is a critical part of American life. In the face of steadily increasing premiums and skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs, Americans are continually faced with the challenge of finding and keeping affordable health care.

Davis also listened to Cumberland Countians express displeasure with the high costs of energy, both gasoline and TVA produced electricity.

Davis noted in the press release that the House Agriculture Committee has hosted several field hearings throughout the country on the pending Farm Bill by inviting farmers to testify about the affects of the 2002 bill.

Davis, a member of the committee, said Congress should support an increase in research and production of alternative fuels.

"Keeping the local farmer in business and giving consumers an affordable fuel alternative so we will not be at the mercy of foreign sources is vital to our future," Davis noted.

He also hinted that he favors advanced research on the use of nuclear power plants and ways to deal with byproduct materials. Davis said that sailors in the Navy stationed on nuclear subs have a safety record and that ways to dispose of nuclear waste from power plants should be pursued.

The "borrow and spend" policies that have become the trend in Washington threaten to bankrupt the future of the country, Davis said in the press release.

"A healthy America is a fiscally responsible America," said Davis.

Over the past five years Congress has turned an annual $200 billion budget surplus into a $300 billion budget deficit each year.

In order to turn this tide, Congress must reform the budget process and develop a long-term plan that will guide federal spending, help pay down the $8 trillion national debt and return the budget to a surplus, Davis said.

Davis and others have introduced a Budget Reform Plan that requires pay-as-you-go rules to restrain excessive growth in spending. The plan also establishes, among other things, a balanced budget each year. It prevents the federal government from raiding the Social Security Trust Fund to pay for other spending, and it establishes a rainy day fund to help pay for natural disasters and unforeseen spending needs.

Davis listened in Crossville as individuals also discussed the need for federal intervention to stem the rapid increase in identity theft, and complained about the lack of punishment for a former CIA employee who reportedly leaked government secrets to the enemy.
